Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Short Answer Type Question:(answer the following question in not more than 30 words. )
Q .1) What is Merchant of Venice?
Ans. Shakespeare has written 37 plays in all. The Merchant of Venice is a tragic comedy. It was published in 1600.
Q.2) What is the main theme of the play ‘The Merchant Of Venice.’?
Ans. The victory of justice over wickedness is the main theme of the play ‘The Merchant Of Venice’.
Q .3) Who is Portia?
Ans. Portia is the central character in the play ‘The Merchant Of Venice.’ She is the actress of the play. She is a doctor of law. She is beautiful, honorable, witty, self confident and dutiful.
Q .4) Who was Antonio? Why was he unhappy?
Ans. Antonio was a merchant. He was unhappy because he had not enough money to marry with Portia.
Q .5) Why was shylock full of hatred for Antonio?
Ans. Shylock was a Jew and he knew that Antonio was full of hatred for the Jews. He also criticized for lending money at a very high rate of interest. So Shylock hatred Antonio.
Q .6) What was the bond against which Antonio borrowed money from shylock?
Ans. Antonio borrowed money from shylock against the bond that if the money was not paid back, shylock would have the right to cut off a pound of Antonio’s flesh.
Q .7) Why was Antonio not able to pay shylock’s money back?
Ans. Antonio not able to pay shylock’s money back because his ship was wrecked and he was ruined.
Q.8) Why was Shylock willing to give money to Antonio?
 Ans. Shylock was willing to give money to Antonio because he wanted to get an opportunity to take revenge against Antonio if he could not pay the debt.
Q.9) Who was Bassanio?
Ans. Bassanio was thye friend of Antonio. He loved Antonio very much. In return of his love Antonio borrowed money from Shylock and helped Bassanio in marrying Portia.
Q.10) Who was the Judge in the trial? How did he want to calm down Shylock?
Ans. The Duke was the judge in the trial. He wanted to calm down Shylock by appealing him to be merciful and kind to Antonio but it was useless.
Q.11) Why did Antonio borrow money from Shylock?
 Ans. Antonio wanted to help his friend Bassanio who wanted to married with Portia. But Antonio had no money at that time so he borrowed money from Shylock.
Q.12) What are the views of Portia about mercy in the court scene?
Ans. Portia glorifies mercy in the court. She describes mercy as the divine virtue. In her opinion mercy is a natural quality. Which blesses all.
Q.13) Why did Jessica run away from her house?
Ans. Jessica, the daughter of Shylock, wanted to marry a Christian and defamed Shylock’s family.
Q14) Why was Jessica not afraid of her father’s sin?
Ans. Jessica was not afraid of her father’s sin because she was sure that goodness of Lorenzo would save her.
Long Answer Type Question:
Q.1) Give a character sketch of Portia?OR
What qualities do you find in the character of Portia?
Ans. Portia is the chief character in the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ by ‘William Shakespeare’. Indeed ‘this is Portia who changed the play’. She is blend of beauty and magical personality.
1. Dominating character – If we look upon other character of the play we find that Portia is the dominating character in the play. Her personality is the combination of both the masculine and feminine qualities. She is really the pivot of the play.
2. Her beauty - Portia is one of the most beautiful heroines of Shakespeare. The prince of Morocco is infatuated by Portia’s beauty. Bassinio is also attracted to her.
3. Witty – Portia is a lady who has witty as well as wit. this is really a rare quality in women. She delivers eloquent speech in the court and praises the noble quality of mercy.
4. Dutifulness – Portia is a women of duty and honor. She is the women believing in all the qualities which enhance the dignity of noble men.
5. Sense of justice – Portia has great sense of justice. In the court she defends Antonio on the ground of mercy. She elaborates the quality of mercy and dignifies mercy as a divine quality when mingled with justice.
Q.2) Give a character sketch of Antonio?
Ans. Antonio is a significant character in the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’. He is in the play from beginning to end. Indeed the play has been named after Antonio. The qualities in his character are given below.
1. Nobility –Antonio is a man of noble virtues. He is generous and kind hearted. He is free from ill will and is always ready to help other in need.
2. A man of struggle – Antonio is a man of real strength. He is really indifferent to pleasure and pains. He takes them naturally. In the beginning his melancholy when he says,
                       ‘In sooth, I know not why I am sad.’
3. his grudge for shylock – Antonio is full of great grudge for shylock because Shylock is a Jew and lends money at a very high rate of interest. Antonio compares Shylock with a Dog. He comments,
                           “I am as like to call thee a dog so again,
                            To spit on thee again, to spurn thee too.
4. His flaws – Antonio has some flaws too. He hates all the religious except Christianity. He is so simple that he fails to see through the tricks of Shylock on an illogical condition.   
Q.3) Give a sketch of Bassanio?
Ans. Bassanio is an important character in the play. He is married to Portia, the heroine of the play. He is the friend of Antonio.
1. His personality -  Bassanio is a man of impressive personality. His charms of personality of attract all. Portia praises him by saying, “he of all men that ever my foolish eyes looked upon was the best deserving a fair lady.”
2. Spend thrift – Bassanio is a spend thrift man. His friend and servant flatter him because of his extravagant nature. He gives his good clothes to his servants. He gives free food to friend and servant and he is pleased by his generosity.
3. A true friend – Bassanio is a man who values friendship above everything in life. He loves Antonio and is full of great respect for him. About Antonio he speaks
“The greatest friend for me, the kindliest man.”
Again he says to Antonio
                         “Antonio, I would sacrifice, myself, my wife, dear to me as life and all the world to save you from the devil.”
4. Wise – Bassanio is a wise man who takes life wisely. He shows wisdom in selecting the right casket and winning the hand of Portia.
Q.4) Give a character sketch of Shylock?
Ans. Shylock is a negative character in the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’. He is misery money lender and a rich Jew of Venice.
1. His personality – Shylock is a physically strong. He has sharp eyes and long hair. He is intellectual. He has suspicious nature. He is really a hypocrite.
2. Greedy and selfish – Shylock is selfish and greedy. Money is really his religion. When his daughter Jessica runs away with her lover with his gold, Shylock does not lament for her so much as for his gold.
3. His hatred for Antonio – Shylock is full of hatred for Antonio because Antonio is a Christian. He loves the Jews In his opinion. “Endurance of wrong is the characteristic of the whole Jewish race”.
4. Scheming and revengeful – Shylock is a scheming and revengeful person. He is very cunning. He lends money to Antonio with an evil plan in his mind. He takes Antonio in his faith and cunningly makes him sign the bond.
         Shylock is a wicked person but he has some good qualities too. He is firm, bold and’ intelligent but he uses these qualities wrongly.
Q .5) Why did shylock hate Antonio?
Ans. Shylock is a significant character in the play. His hatred is the chief theme of the play. His hatred for Antonio is deep rooted. The hatred reason are given below:
1. Antonio was a Christian and shylock was a Jew. Antonio had a strong faith in his religion. Shylock hates Antonio because he is a Christian and he shows his strong faith in his religion.
2. There was business deal between Shylock and Antonio. Antonio was an honest and hard working trader. He used to lend money others at normal rate of interest. He was ready to help the needy but Shylock was a different kind of man. He lent money at very high rate of interest. Shylock did not like Antonio’s habit of helping the needy. So Shylock hated Antonio.
3. Antonio damn shylock for charging so much interest. He scolded shylock in public. This was an insult for shylock. So he was full of hatred of Antonio.
Q .6) What are the views of Portia about the quality of Mercy?
Ans. The Merchant Of Venice is one of the best and most popular plays of Shakespeare. This play appeals to all to merciful and forget the feeling of revenge. Portia, The heroine of the play define the virtue of  mercy and tries to be merciful on Antonio as a blessing of Shylock.
Mercy- A Noble Virtue: Portia is trying to change the mind of Shylock. She says that mercy is noble and natural quality which can never be forced. It flows freely from the heart of the man as the rain falls freely from the sky upon the earth. It is beneficial for both- the giver and the receiver.
A divine virtue: Portia disclose the prestige of Mercy. She says that it is a divine virtue. It is the quality, always lives in God’s heart. It is more powerful than any other quality in the world. She also says to judge specially that The decision of a king becomes divine and popular when Mercy is mixed in to Justice.

So Shylock should have mercy on Antonio.


                                                                         Story -3
                                                                    The Lost Child                                -Mulk Raj Anand.
Short Answer Type Question:-
Q.1) What arrested the eyes of the little boy when he left for the fair?
Ans. The little boy passed through the way lined by the toys shops. His eyes were arrested by the toys.
Q.2) How did the parents behave when the little boy pleaded for the toy?
Ans. When the little boy pleaded for the toy, his father looked at him in his common refusing way. Mother Was tender, giving him to her finger to catch, she asked him to look at what was there before him .
Q.3) How did the child make a search for his parents?
Ans. The child looked in all direction for his parents but there was no sign them. He cried loudly and ran suddenly for his parents. He ran ‘to a fro’ to see his father- mother. He ran towards the temple. He ran though the feet of people but could not see his parents.
Q.4) What did the man ask the child? What did the child reply?  
Ans. the man asked the child how he got there and whose baby. He was! The child wept bitterly than ever now. He only cried, “I want my mother, I want my father!”
Q.5) What was the over whelming desires the child when he saw the balloons?
Ans. When the child saw the balloons of yellow, red, green and purple color, He was carried away by the rainbow glory of silken colors. His desire was to them all.
Long Answer Type Question:-
Q.1) Describe the felling and behavior of the child when he relished that he had lost his parents?
Ans. The lost child is a very popular story by Mulk Raj Anand. It deals with child psychology.
                It was the festival of spring. A fair was held in village. Many people in pale clothes went to visit in the fair. A little boy also went to visit the fair with his parents. As they entered the fair the child saw a sweet meat counter, a follower seller, balloons and juggler. At last he saw a roundabout in full swing, men, women and children were enjoying it. The child watched them carefully and wanted to enjoy it. When he saw it stop, he made a bold request, “I want to go on the roundabout please, father, mother.”
              There was no reply. The child turned to look his parents. They were not there. He looked behind. There was no sign of them thus the child lost his parents.
              The separation of the parents brought about the felling of security in the child. His throat was dry, he wept loudly and he ran here and there. Crying in fear, “ mother, father”.
                Hot tears rolled down from his eyes. His yellow turban became untied. He was wet with sweat. He ran to green grassland but his parents were not there. He ran towards a temple. He struggle to a find away. He was knocked by the paws of people. He was about to be a trembled Underfoot. If he had no cried, loudly, “ father, mother.”
               A man heard his painful voice. He lifted him up in his arms and at once underfoot the whole story. He could not find out his parents. The child was very fearful and weeping badly. He didn’t want to see anything except his parents.
When the parents were lost the child psychology work. However unkindly his parents were . They were his solace and hope. He could not trust a man though he was very kind and loving. The child was offered all the things which he wanted earlier but he was not ready to enjoy them now. His constant restrain(cry) was, “I want my mother, I want my father.”
                                                    An Special Experience                                 --Prem Chandra.
Short Answer Type Question:
Q .1) What were the political agitators fighting for ?
Ans . The Political agitators were Indians. They were fighting for the freedom of their country India.
Q.2) How did the wife celebrate her husband going to jail ?
Ans. The wife celebrated her husband going to jail in following manner.
1.      After returning from the court she distributed sweets among freedom fighters.
2.      She took part in a political meeting of the I.N.C.
3.      There she addressed the members of the congress token oath to follow the Satya Grah.
Q.3) why was the narrator restless the whole night?
Ans. The narrator was restless because she never wanted that her guardian Gyan Babu’s should lose his job for her sake.
            His service in the school was in danger. Due to her stay in this house so she was very nervous and afraid.
Q.4) How did the resignation of Gyan babu’s effect the principal ?
Ans. The resignation of Gyan babu’s made the principal come to his sensed. After this they put come question to Gyan babu’s and decided the case to his favor.
Q.5) How did the father and father in low of the narrator?
Ans.  The father and father –in- low of the narrator responded to telegrams with angry letters. Her father said his increment and promotion would stopped, her father in low answered that his pension could be cut off he supported her.
Long Answer Type Question:-
Q.1) Write the character- sketch of Gyan babu’s wife?
Ans. A Special experience by Prem Chandra is a patriotic story. In it the writer has told us about the special experience of a family which is full of with the feeling of patriotism.
           The story is told by a woman his husband gave sharbat and pans to the freedom fighters, and thus sent to the jail for one year by british government.
             Gyan babu’s is a teacher and the best friend of this man. After the jail of her husband she was alone and helpless at home Gyan babu’s and his wife took this woman to their home, they looked after her with great care and love but inducing so Gyan Babu’s wife empress his greatly.  She is bold and wise lady. She is also the central figure of the story.
           The main quality of her character is given below.
1. Impressive personality – Gyan Babu’s wife has good health and royal look. She decorated herself with jewellary. She is highly beautiful. She is full of self-confidence. She looks like an ideal Indian woman. Her heart is full courage and love for helpless people. This is the added beauty of her.
2. Intelligent – she is more intelligent and able than Gyan Babu. Gyan Babu is often confused shows cowardness. But she is very brave and acts like her firm adviser. She encourages him to meet all the challengers, boldly, infect she rules over her husband in a reasonable way.
3. Bold and firm – she is fearless and mantle strong women. Her father and father-in –law afraid of British Govt. but Gyan Babu Wife was not afraid of anyone. She was ready to face any situation in her life. So she was not prepared to turn the helpless women and out even at the cost of her husband service. It was her bold nature that compelled Gyan Babu’s resign the post and not be afraid of British Govt.
4. Affectionate – her heart is full of love for the helpless lady. She takes the lady to her home without caring the watch of C.I.D men and younger sister does not allow working in the house. She becomes very sad and emotional to see the condition of the lady.
               In short no character in the story can match this woman in love, wisdom, boldness, presence of mind sympathy and sacrifice. Her heart is as pure as gold. The narrator of the story said, “if there was a goddess, she is one.” She also said about her, “she was flint outside and gold inside.” 
       For all these quality I like Gyan Babu’s wife as the best character of the story. She inspire us to be fearless and be true lover of the mother land, “never bear the unfair immortal and circulate of any one in life. She is not only the heroine of this story but needs deeds and heroic.


      The Golden Watch        -Ponjikkara Raphy                                                                                             
Short answer type Question;-
Q.1) What stopped Sanku from staling the watch in the beginning?
Ans. Sanku was not a thief by nature. He decided to steal the watch due to the force of his poverty. He always felt nervousness in stealing the watch. So he could not steal it.
Q.2) What were Sanku’s feelings before stealing the watch?
Ans. Before stealing the watch, Sanku was very nervous and in tension, and its heart was beating very fast. He was in a fix. He had the mixed felling to steal or not to steal. These felling troubled him greatly.
Q.3) What though troubled Sanku after committing the theft?
Ans. after stealing the watch Sanku thought that he would be dismissed from his service. He would be isulted and called a theft. The thought of being caught troubled him badly.
Q.4) why did Sanku put the watch back on its old place?
Ans. Sanku put the watch back on its old place on the table because he was afraid of being caught and punished. He though some one had seen him stealing the watch. So he put it back on its old place.
Q.5) Why did Sanku course himself?
Ans. sanku had an already two children. When he came to know that his wife was again pregnant and going to give birth to the third child. It would be extra burden on him. So he coursed himself.
 Q.6) Why could not Sanku get any sleep for several days?
Ans. Sanku did not get any sleep for several days because he was upset due to his family problem. He needed money to solve them. He was indebt too. His income was very low. He could not take loans now. These problems disturbed his peace of mind and he did not sleep for several days.
Q.7) What were Sanku’s problem and how did the plan to solve them?
Ans. Sanku’s main problem was the shortage of money. he had many problems too, like house rent, loan of fund, and too pay some shop keepers. He planned to these problems by stealing the gold watch of his boss.
Q.8) What time of the day did Sanku think was the most suitable for stealing gold watch and why?
Ans.  Sanku thought that the lunch was most suitable for stealing the gold watch, he thought so because at that time the engineers and workers would go out for lunch and rest. 
 Long Answer Type Question:-
Q.1) what thoughts troubled Sanku after he had stolen the Golden watch?
Ans. Sanku was a very petty (rqPN] ekewyh ) servant in a factory. His engineer boss was an Englishman. He had gold watch with golden chain. He left it in his office table when he went for lunch.
                    Sanku was a poor and honest worker. He was much in debt. He has to pay to so many persons. But he had no money. One day he thought to steal the watch of his boss. By selling it he would pay of his debts. He has some family problems too. He could not feed his children due to poverty. But he was very coward. He had no courage to steal the watch. He tried many times but failed.
       One day at the lunch time he stole it. After stealing the watch, he was trembling with fear and nervousness. He saw someone walking at distance. He thought that the man was going to report against him. The thought of being caught made hi coward.
               He felt as if the gold watch were burning him in his pocket.
          Then sanku thought that his thief had become know to all workers in the factory. They would now call him a thief. He also thought that he would be dismissed from his job by his boss. At last he thought that the guard would catch him with the watch in his pocket.
  After thinking all that sanku made up his miner to put the watch back at its old place in the office. He wants outside without stealing it. Thus we have seen that Sanku was not a thief. He stole the watch due to his poverty and family problems.
                    “As we know man is the slave of circumstances”              
 Q.2) Write the character sketch of sanku?
Ans. the gold watch by ‘Pojikkara Raphy’ is a meaningful story. Sanku is the main character in it. He is poor but a honest worker in a factory. He has many family problems. So he is upset all the times, due to lack of money he does not take care of his children. He has to bear insulted from some people. as he is in debt. All the story moves around him. The main qualities of his character are given below:-
1) A poor clerk – Sanku is a low paid clerk in a factory. He is uneducated. He gets a very poor salary. It was one rupee per day. This amount is not enough to meet his expenses. He has to borrow even for his daily needs. So he is always in debt. He passes a very hard life due to his poverty.
2) A man of struggle – Sanku has a wife and two children, the third one is about to come very soon. The children are hungry and sick. Due to lack of money he can’t buy milk and medicines for his sons. Thus his family life was very painful.
3) A careless man – sanku has a many family problem in his life. He has taken loan from the fund and from other people. He has to pay Ali and other people. He is not able to buy ointment and banana for his children.
He is worried every time. So he steals the watch. But he is very careless too, he does not think for doing some extra part time job to earn money. he only thinks about his problem but never tries to do extra part time job for income.
4) An honest man – Sanku is a hard working man. He is not dishonest. He is timid. After stealing the watch, he was very nervous and full of fear. His soul does not allowed him for such unfair work. So he puts the watch back on its table and goes out of the factory as an honest man. Then he shows his real character his moral sense wins over his family problems.
          Thus we have seen that Sanku is not a theft. He is poor but honest and hard working man. He finds himself among the problems every time, due to his poverty and simplicity.

                   An Astrologer’s Day                                                 - R.K.  Narayan.
Short Answer Type Question:-
Q.1) How much of Astrology did the astrologer know?
Ans. The astrologer did not know anything about astrology. Being wise he only told the people about money and some family problem. That was based on his experience.
Q.2) How did the astrologer please and astonish his customer?
Ans. When the astrologer told the people that in spite of making your best effort you are not getting success. And there is a woman who does not like you. If your family hearing this customer were very pleased and astonished.
 Q.3) How did the astrologer get rid of his old enemy?
Ans. The astrologer was very clever. When Guru Nayak did not recognize him, he at once advised him not to trouble Southern Area. He also told him that his search was useless as his enemy had been died in an accident. In this way he got rid of his old enemy forever.
Q.4) What happened one evening when the astrologer was preparing to go home?
Ans. One evening when the Astrologer was preparing to go home, a stranger came him and changed the astrologer to answer his questions.
Q.5) How did the astrologer acquire the knowledge of his profession?
Ans. In the prime of life, the astrologer was not interested in astrology. Yet he said thinks which pleased and astonished every one. It was more a matter of study, practice and mean guess work.
Q.6) What did the astrologer profession equipment consist of?
Ans. The astrologer professional equipment consist of a dozen cowries shells, a square of clothe with strange chart, a note book and a bundle of Palmyra writings.
Q.7) What was the first saying of astrologer? How did it work?
Ans. The astrologer said first of all, “in many ways you are not getting the fullest rests of your effort”.  Nine of ten were agree with him.
Q.8) What advised did the astrologer give to his customer?
Ans. The astrologer took out a pinch of sacred ash and gives it to his customer and said, “rub it on your four head and go home, never travel to the Southern Area and you will live for hundred years.
Long Answer Type Question:-
Q.1) Narrate the story an astrologer’s day in your own words?
Ans. An astrologer’s day is a very interesting story by R.N. Narayan. In it the writer tells us that sometimes our life become very risky due to a little foolishness but by using the right talent it can’t be saved too.
 One times there was a young farmer. He had a friend. His name was Guru Nayak. One day they drunk and gambled. After that they quarreled over a woman. The farmer passed a knife through the body of Guru Nayak and pushed him into a well near the field. He thought that his friend was dead. So he left the village without telling anyone. He came in a town. There he married to a women and had a daughter.
                In this city he was jobless. So he adopted the profession of astrology. He sat under a tamarind tree on a busy road. He dressed himself like a astrologer. He applied sacred ash and vermillion on his fore head. He had a dark whiskers and a turban of saffron color around his head. He put a note book, Palmyra writing a dozen cowries’ shells and square cloth before him. He knew nothing about his job still he was successful in this art. He told only general things to people. They pleased and astonished him
                 One day at sunset when the astrologer was about to go his home, A stranger came to him. He wanted to know about his future. At first he was not ready to tell him anything but finally he had to be agree before his pressure.
 Then the stranger lighted a match to lit his cigar. In the light of match stick the astrologer saw the strangers face. Who was Guru Nayak his old enemy? Now the astrologer felt uneasy. He wanted to get rid of him. But the stranger held his wrist. Being helpless he began to answer his question.
        He asked, “Shall I succeed in my present search?” at his he got some relief because the stranger could not recognize him.
        He told Guru Nayak that his search was useless. His enemy crushed under a lorry four months back in a town. Hearing this the stranger felt satisfied. The astrologer called him by his name and advised him to return home and never travel south word. He gave a handful comes to the astrologer.

       At last the astrologer went home. He gave coins to his wife and told her everything. Now he felt  much peace of mind. His luck and art of astrology proved to him a boon and saved his life forever.


                                           Story -3
                                  Draught                         - Sarat Chandra Chatterjee                                                 
Short Answer Type Question :-
Q.1) Who was Mahesh? How did Gafur feed him?
Ans. Mahesh was the bull of Gafur. Gafur feed him with old straw and rice- water. Due to draught he was not able to look after the bull properly.
Q.2) Who was Amina? Who slapped her and why?
Ans. Amina was the daughter of Gafur. She was motherless child of ten years. One day Gafur was very hungry and thirsty. He asked her for some food and water. But she could not give it to him. Being angry Gafur slapped Amina.
Q .3) What for did Gafur come to Banshi’s shop secretty in the cover of darkness.
Ans. Gafur was in an urgent need of a rupee. He wanted it to get his bull back from police pen. For borrowing
the rupee, he came to Banshi’s shop secretly in the cover of darkness.
Q .4) Why did Gafur kill the Bull-Mahesh?
Ans. Gafur heard the cry of Amina outside the house. He saw that the pitcher was broken and the water was flowing on the ground. He thought that the bull had hurt Amina for water. In anger he hit the bull with his plough head and killed him.
Q .5) In what way are Gafur, Tarakratana and Shibu Babu related?
Ans. Gafur is a poor weaver. He lives in a village Kashipur. He is a tenant of Shibu Babu who is the landlord of the village. Tarakratana is the family priest of Shibu Babu.
Q .6) Why did Gafur threw away a ten rupee note?
Ans. When Gafur was unable to feed his bull, he decided to sell it. When he came to know that a butcher was buying Mahesh, he threw away ten rupee note as he loved the bull like his son.
Long Answer Type Question:
Q .1) Was Gafur a cruel old man? List the circumstances that led to the killing of the bull Mahesh.
Ans. Drought is a very pathetic story by S.C. Chaterjee. It is the story of poor weaver who lived in the village, Kashipur. His daughter Amina also lives with him. He used to till the hand for land lord. It did not rain at all that year. The fields and ponds were dried up. Gafur was in debt. He had no rice to eat and no straw to feed his bull-Mahesh.
There are a good number of circumstances leads to the killing of bull-Mahesh. That are given below:
1. Being no rains, there was no grass in the field for animals. Gafur had nothing to give to his bull. There was no water left for men and animals to drinks.
2. one day the hungry and thirsty bull entered the garden of Manic Ghose. He sent it to police pen. Gafur had to pauen his brass  plate for getting the bull out from police pen.
3. The other day the bull entered the grounds of land lord and ate up the flowers. He also upset the corn and hurt the daughter of land lord. Getting angry, Gafur beat him badly.
4. Gafur was sick and become weak by fever. He was very hungry and thirsty. So he asked Amina for some feed and water. There was nothing in the house. So she went out for water after some time she could bring a small quantity of water from the dry time.
5. when she entered the yard of her home. She cried loudly. Gafur came out and found her lying flat on the ground. The water was flowing and the bull was sucking it.
6. Gafur thought that the bull had injured Amina for water. He become very angry and lost his self control. Then he hit the bull on its had with the plough head soon the bull died.
 But Gafur was not a cruel  man. He was a kind man. He was good master and a good father. He loved the bull just like his son. He did not sell in to butchers. He feed it with old straw and rice water. He could not see tears in his eye. He seems to be cruel due to his poverty dept and drought.
Q.2) Write the character sketch of Gafur?
Ans. Drought is a very pathetic story by S.C. Chatterjee. Gafur is the main character in this story. He is a poor weaver. He lives in the village –Kashipur with his motherless daughter Amina. He suffer badly at the hand of the land lord, he has no food to eat and no straw to feed his bull-mahesh.
The main qualities of his are given below:-
1. A kind man- Gafur lives in a small village and passes a very simple life. Being poor he can satisfy the hunger of his bull and Amina. But he is not a cruel man. He work from morning till evening. But he is always in debt. Drought has affected his life badly. The land lord does not give him any straw. So he has nothing to feed-Mahesh. His heart is full of kindness for the bull. So he does not sell it to anyone.
2.His loving nature- Gafur loves Amina very much. She had not her mother but his father takes her great care. He also loves the bull just like a son. He begs rice water from the neighbors. He also feeds it with old straw. He pawns his brass plate to get animal back from police pen. He does not sell it to but chars. In anger he slaps Amina but soon he repents. He proves himself  a loving father and good master.
3. An Emotional person- Sometimes Gafur loses self control and become very angry. He looks like a mad man in anger. It is the weakness of his life. He slaps Amina without her fault. After this he kills the bull in anger but it was not his real nature. His problems due to drought made him a bad man, it is said’ “A hungry man is an angry man.” While leaving his village he says’ “Allah! Punish me as much as you like but never forgive the sins of the land lord.”  It shows his anger nature.
4. An Honest man- Gafur is a hard working person. Drought has ruined his life. He never thinks to steal rice or straw from his anywhere. Every time he asks help from his neighbors and the land lord. He passes a hard but honest life in the village.

In short Gafur is a poor, honest, loving and hard working person. He suffers very much due drought.  
                                    The Selfish Giant                             -Oscar Wild
Short Answer Type Question:
Q .1) When did the children play in the Giant’s garden?
Ans. Coming from school, the children played every afternoon in the Giant’s garden.
Q .2) Why did the Giant build a high wall round his garden and put up a notice board?
Ans. The Giant built a high wall round his garden so that the children might not enter his garden. He said that he would not allow anyone to play there and put up a notice board there.
Q .3) Why it was still winter in the garden of selfish Giant?
Ans. There was still winter in the garden of selfish Giant because there were no children. He stopped them to play in it. Nature punished him badly.
Q .4) Autumn gave no fruit to the Giant’s garden. Why? Or
How was the Giant punished? What was his offence?
Ans. The spring came all over in the country. Only in the garden of the Giant, it was still winter, the snow, frost and the hale visited his garden. Autumn gave golden fruit to Giant’s garden. Thus he was punished. His offence was that he did not allow the little children to play in the garden.
Q .5) Why was the Giant rewarded? What was his reward?
Ans. The Giant was rewarded because he felt his mistake. He declared that his garden would be a play field for the children forever and ever. His reward was that he got paradise.
Long Answer Type Question:
Q .1) Narrate briefly the story the selfish Giant in your own word? What lesson do you learn from it?
Ans. ‘The selfish Giant’ is a story of a very cruel Giant. He  is the symbol of evil. He had a large and lovely garden. The children played in it every afternoon when they returned from the school. Once  the Giant come back after seven years visiting his friend the Cornish.
                        He saw that the children were playing in the garden. He cried loudly, ‘what are you doing there’? At this the children ran away. The Giant said that it was his garden and no one would enter it. He build a high wall around it and put a notice board------ “Trespassers will be prosecuted”
      When the children  saw it they were very sad. As they had no place to play. But nature could not tolerate his behavior. The spring come but it did not go to his garden, it was still winter there. The snow covered up the grass. The frost painted all the trees silver. The north wind roared all day in the garden. The hale came and there was no fruit and flower on the trees. His garden got no change after autumn season. Now he felt that he was very selfish.
               One morning the Giant heard the a little linnet singing outside his window. He came out and sow a wonderful sight. The children had entered the garden by a little hole. He saw that a little was sitting in every tree. So the trees were covered with blossoms. The birds were flying and singing. Only a small child was unable to climb on the tree. He was weeping badly. He felt pity in his heart and said , “How Selfish I have been!”
                  He opened  the front door and went in to the garden. Seeing him, all the children ran away accept the little boy. The Giant put him up in to the tree and it blossomed with flower. The little boy flung his arms and kissed him.
                   All the children came again there, they know that the Giant was not cruel and hateful now. He said, “it is your garden now , little children.”
   One day the Giant saw that little boy standing under tree. These were some wound in his hand and feet. He asked the children about it, the child said, “These are the wound of love.” Then the Giant asked him , “Who are you.”
The Giant was filled with a strange fear to see the boy. The child smile on the Giant and said, “you let me play in your garden, today, You shall come with me to my garden, that is paradise.!”
One day when the children returned from the school they found the Giant lying dead under the tree. Finally it was victory of good over evil.
      The story teaches us that we should not be selfish and share our joys and prosperity with poor. We should also love the little children because they are Gods in the from of little children.