Sunday, June 11, 2017


                                                                    To The Pupils                       - Henry L. Derozio
Central Idea
“A teacher burns like candle to light his students.”
            The poem ‘To The Pupils’ describes the joys of a teacher. He gives knowledge and guides his pupil. He shapes their career.
              The pupils are like buds in the beginning. Then their minds open gently like flowers. Their talents develop as young birds, trying their wings to fly
                   A teacher feels happy and fully satisfied, when he sees his pupils worshipping, truth and wining fame. Then he thinks that his life has not been useless.
Note: “An ideal teacher is an assets for the pupils.”
1. Expanding ………….………………………………………………………………….. strength.
Reference: These lines have been taken from the poem “To The Pupils” composed  by Henry L. Derzio, A Great Philosopher Of His Time.
Context: Here the poet describes about the joy of a teacher when he sees his pupils growing up in knowledge, making progress and winning fame in life.
Explanation: The poet says that student grow up in knowledge day by day. Their minds are like buds in the beginning. These buds open the petals and blossom  in to flower. They try to develop their mental abilities and powers like young birds who try to learn how to fly in summer season.
Note: There is a fine use of simile in the line:
Expending like the petals of young flowers.
2. What joyance……………………………………………………………………………vain.
Reference-Context: Previous.

Explanation: The poet says that a teacher gives knowledge to his pupils and watches all his activities carefully. He is very happy when he feels that his pupils will earn name and fame in future. They will get the garland of honour in future. Then he thinks that he has done his duty well. And he lived his life meaning fully.
Note: A good teacher always removes the darkness of  ignorance from students life.
O Captain! My Captain!               - Walt Whitman
Central Idea
“In this world great and brave man but once in a millennium.”
            In the poem O Captain! My Captain!  The poet has expressed his deep sorrow of the heart on the death of American president Abraham Lincoln.
The poet has compared Lincoln to the captain of the ship of American state and the country as a ship.
The Poet calls the captain and says that the big crowd praises the strong ship. The people come with flags, bugles and garland.
The captain is lying dead but he was completed a hard journey.   He people enjoy freedom in life. But the Poet mourns the death of the captain. He does not leave the deck of the ship and walks on it with great pain.
1.O captain! ……………………………………………………………………… cold and dead.
Reference: These lines have been taken from the poem ‘O captain! My captain’ composed by Walt Whiteman; A Famous Poet Of  U .S .A.
Context: Here the poet says that the crowd is eager to welcome the captain but he is unable to rise. As he has been shot dead .Thought he won the peace for the poor people.
Explanation: The poet asks  the captain to getup and listen to the happy bells. He further asks him to see the waving flags and hear the bugles.
                        Some people have come with bunches of flowers and garlands . They are over joyed .Their faces want to see the captain. The poet does not believe that the captain is dead .
                       So he puts his arm under the captain’s head. But he does not feel it. He does not getup due to being life less.
      The poet becomes very sad to see the captain lying dead and cold on the deck of ship.
2.Exult,o shore  !..........................................................................................................cold and dead.
Reference –Context: Previous.
Explanation: The poet says that when the public was giving him highest praise, Lincoln was shot dead. All the people of  U.S.A. were very happy to get peace in life . only the poet is very sad and upset on his dead .
                  The poet asks the public to enjoy peace in their life and to ring the bells. He walks with sad heart on the deck where the captain of the ship is lying cold and dead. The brave captain liberated the poor from the bands of slavery successfully.
  Poem -6
                                                                         Dover Beach                    - Matthew Arnold
Central Idea
“Loyal lover and lass are hard to find in life”
         In this poem the poet is very sad to the great fall in the value of man’s life. He thinks that there is great unrest in religious and social life too.
  So he has come with his beloved near the sea-port of  kent (Dover Beach).there he watches the rise and fall of sea-waves. He advises her to be sincere with each other in love. As the world is very big and full of variety. There is no real happiness, true love, light of knowledge, stability and true mental peace in the life of people. They are very selfish and greedy, They have lost the aim of life.
               Due to their ignorance, they are fighting with one another like the soldiers who quite in the darkness of the night.
So he tells his beloved that only true love can become a source of comfort and consolation in life.
Note: The poet tells that a man should have sincere lover in life. So that he may pass a peaceful life in the world.
1. Ah! Love………………………………………………………………………………….so new.
Reference: These lines have been taken from the poem ‘Dover Beach’ composed by Matthew Arnold, A Famous American Poet.
Context: Here The poet feels sorry for religious, social and moral unrest of  his age .He thinks that true love can bring comfort and peace in life.
Explanation: The poet says that he is very sad to see that religious faith has gone from the world. So he advises his beloved to be sincere in love.
                                    He says that the world looks out worldly charming and wonderful. It seems just like a dream land and full of variety.
 But this is not the fact what we see that is unreal and full of darkness.
Note: Dover beach-The sea -port of  ken in England where the poet is stood and presents a fine picture of Victorian age.
2.Nor Certitute………………………………………………………………………………..night.
Reference and context –(Previous)
Explanation: The poet says that there is no happiness or true love of  light of wisdom in men’s life. The world is true of uncertainty. There is no peace of mind and care for our suffering. The people have lost the real aim of  life.
          He compares the world with a battle fields. The people are like ignorant soldiers , they fight in dark battle field.
                   In the darkness they make no difference between friend and enemy. These is a great confusion. no one knows who is killing or getting killed. There are only terrible sounds.
     This position fills the heart of the post with great sorrow.
Note: There is a fine use of simile in the line :
  We are there as on a darking plain swept with confused alarms of struggle and fight.

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